A game ‘Monopoly’ and business growth

A child of my friend visited us and we played Monopoly together.

Monopoly is, as you may know, a game to buy properties on the game board, build houses and earn rents from other players when they stop at the properties.

A key of success of the game is to buy properties as much as possible, and to build houses and earn rents as soon as possible at the early stage.

I was successful to buy properties somehow at the early stage, but my dice was not good and I was force to stop a penalty tax spot while I earned money.
Therefore I could not have enough cash and could not build houses on my properties. Then I was struggling with lower rents to earn.

Monopoly is just a game but this situation suggests us various points.

At the business growing stage, even though you may have good resources (properties in this case) the growth may stay low if you do not have enough cash to develop more.

I could earn some petty cash in the middle stage and could buy houses. That helped me to pay back my investments.

If you would not raise enough funds to grow your business, it can be a key of your success for you to earn your own money with some self-developed business.

Photo:A penalty tax spot hurt me.

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